Quick Response Grant Program Individuals 2024-25

This is a preview of the Quick Response Grant Program Individuals Application Form 2024-25 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


Before completing this application

  1. Please refer to the Quick Response Grant Program Guidelines

If required, discuss your project with the Grants and Funding Officer on 03 9209 6777 or  grants@portphillip.vic.gov.au  

Completing the application

  • Save regularly to avoid losing your work you can return and work on the application any time prior to submission.
  • Navigate the form by clicking Next Page or Previous Page or using the index list.
  • Having trouble answering a question? Look below each question for hints to help you answer the question.
  • If submitting multiple applications, consider having general information e.g. description about your organisation in a word document to cut and paste into each application.
  • When you submit the application, you will receive a confirmation email with a PDF copy of the submitted application.
  • After submission, changes can not be made to the application.
  • After submission, you can also return to https://portphillip.smartygrants.com.au at to view a copy of the submitted application.

Documentation required to be uploaded in this form:

  • Evidence of being a City of Port Phillip resident for a minimum of 6 months.
  • A letter or invitation from the hosting organisation as evidence of the request to participate in the event or activity.